Tis the season to be jolly, which also means lots of holiday festivities!
Working ladies: If your office is like most, they will throw a party directly after your work day, which means you will need a "freshening up" session.
Working ladies: If your office is like most, they will throw a party directly after your work day, which means you will need a "freshening up" session.
Welcome a much needed cocktail faster, versus appearing half-tired plus exhausted from your 7 am wake up call, by cutting your session time in half.
Freshening: Directly after applying your make-up in the morning, lightly spray your face with Make-Up Forever Mist & Fix.
Freshening: Directly after applying your make-up in the morning, lightly spray your face with Make-Up Forever Mist & Fix.

Groggy to Glamorous: It will set your make-up for the entire day, so your face will continuously stay looking so fresh and oh so clean...
Warning: Do not over spray, all you need is a spray for each side of your face = 2 sprays.
The holidays are also an ideal time to experiment with colors and adding a touch of merry to your make-up style!
Option: Smoke your eyes with a hint of black, or a darker shade of shadow and try to balance the emphasis on your lips with a deep pink shade to match your eyes.

Eyes: I used a cream base and added a deep purple on her crease to give her an edge versus making it appear too smokey.
Lips: A deep pink mixed with a gloss to complement her eyes and cheeks, while giving a balance to her look.