My passion for make-up artistry involves a range of experimenting with bold colors and styles. Art itself isn't based on the variety of colors you use, but more importantly how they are utilized.
I am a huge fan of switching your day to night looks, but here are some examples of where a woman's make-up style isn't defined by the quantity she puts on her face, but more so the quality of how she applies it. The following women exemplify the true meaning of beauty in its simplest form.

Aishwarya Rai: Her stunning eyes play a major role in her choices of using earth tone colors for her lips, cheeks, and eyeshadow.

Beyonce: A liquid liner can go a long way when you're seeking a simple, yet vibrant look. I love that she lined her eyes just at the top with a slight curve, and used colors to accent her natural features.

Angelina Jolie: I have rarely seen her wearing more make-up than this, but I'm a fan of her simplistic nature. Liner is used at the outside of the top and bottom, which is said to make your eyes look bigger. Less make-up means more emphasis on accessories, as seen with her emerald earrings...I'm green with envy, but my loyalty lies with "Team Aniston"